Tuesday, June 9, 2009

TwoTweet at NARM

Hypebot randomly picked up our brief appearances at NARM's convention, so I figured we should update the placeholder site / blog.

TwoTweet is a super-simple shopping cart integrated into Twitter. We are a division of DashGo so our roots are deep in digital music. We're hoping to find 10-15 artists and labels that would like to launch with us.

Here's what makes TwoTweet super-cool:
  • You can sell ANYTHING: MP3s, Videos, Tickets, Merchandise, Collectibles, Pacifiers, cars. (no drugs, guns or porn; not judging, just not selling)
  • Plugs directly into Twitter: Publish a product and TwoTweet instantly sends it to your Followers. Plug and play direct marketing
  • FAST Checkout: Once you sell a product to someone, they can buy anything else you offer in the future via a Tweet. One tweet to sell; one tweet to buy - that's the TwoTweet method.
  • Viral: Buyers can opt to Retweet at checkout, alerting all of their Followers to your undoubtedly amazing and life-changing product!
  • Simple: TwoTweet is inexpensive (comparable fees to eBay / Amazon) and fast to setup.
ETA for launch is July 1. We'll be at NARM again tomorrow (Wednesday June 10th). Email benp(at)dashgo.com to setup a meeting if you'd like to learn more. Or just follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/twotweet